Scientists say the technique of cloning animals could not only help preserve endangered species but possibly even revive species that are extinct. In fact, Australian scientists say they are on the way to reviving an extinct species --- the Tasmanian tiger --- using cloning technology. They are now working with the DNA of the Tasmanian tiger to bring it back to life. クローン技術のおかげで,科学者たちは近い将来,恐竜(dinosaur)さえ.も復活させることができるだろう。
In her biography, Marie Curie is quoted as having said: "私は,科学には大いなる美があると考えている人間の一人です。Scientists in their laboratories are not only technicians; they are also children placed before natural phenomena which impress them like a fairy tale." To attain great scientific beauty, scientists must have pure, honest hearts.