昨日発表されたノーベル医学生理学賞は、英国のRobert G. Edwards博士になりました。山中さんは見送り、ということですね。
NYTも’Poineer of In Vitro Fertilization Wins Nobel Frize’ とAP電で一報を伝えています。その後、スタッフライターの記事になりましたが、以下の様に結んでいます。
Dr. Edwards himself was not available to reflect on his research career or the four million children alive because of his achievement. “Unfortunately he is not in a position to understand the honor he has received today,” Dr. Macnamee said. “He remembers the past very well but not the present.”
Natureも伝えています。’Baby boom bags Nobel prize’
Three Share 2010 Chemistry Nobel
Published: October 6, 2010
The winners are Richard F. Heck of the University of Delaware; Ei-ichi Negishi of Purdue University; and Akira Suzuki of Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan.
Physics Nobel Honors Work on Ultra-Thin Carbon
Published: October 5, 2010
A pair of Russian-born physicists working at the University of Manchester in England have won the Nobel Prize in Physics for investigating the remarkable properties of ultrathin carbon flakes known as graphene, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said Tuesday.