Do you want to lose weight, keep it off, and stay fit? The truth is, there are no magic diets or shortcuts to weight loss and fitness. Both old fashioned common sense and modern science agree; the best combination for keeping a trim and healthy body is a well-balanced diet, along with a program of regular ( 1 ).
Most of us realize this truth yet often we find it hard to practice, and so we forget it. Often, we hope some new diet plan or weight-loss program will provide a quick solution. This hope creates big business. In the US alone, weight-loss products are a $35 billion a year industry. Unfortunately, the results from using these products are disappointing and sometimes dangerous. Research shows that most people who use quick weight-loss diets soon ( 2 ) all of the weight they have lost, or even more. Furthermore, they may damage their kidneys, liver and other ( 3 ) as well as suffer mental depression and loss of confidence.
Let's look at some of the recent popular quick diets. One of the most popular is the high protein diet. This diet allows people to eat lots of protein, but they must severely limit all carbohydrates. In the short run this can reduce weight, but in the long run it can be harmful because it doesn't ( 4 ) the body with necessary elements. Another common method is the liquid diet. It relies on nutritional supplements with few calories and offers the convenience of not having to cook meals. But using supplements leads to an unbalanced diet and it takes the fun out of ( 5 ).
[2006年 札幌医科大、II部分]