出典: Journal of Medical Ethics 2009, 35:145-146
Editorial ←有料記事です
Learning from the economic crisis: public health and private ventures
Tom Koch
In October 2008, former US Federal Reserve Chairman and "federal market cheerleader" Allan Greenspan told a US congressional committee he made a "mistake" in assuming the self-interest of organisations would not endanger their clients.1 In his words, his years of policy stewardship erred, "in presuming that the self-interests of organisations, specifically banks and others, were such that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and their equity in the firms".
問1 (1)Allan Greenspanの見解を述べ、その見解が本論の医療保険制度とどのように関連しているのか説明しなさい。
(2) Kenneth J Arrowの主張を述べ、その主張が現在の経済危機とどのように関連しているのか説明しなさい。
問2 Garrett Hardinが述べた下線部(1)の"the tragedy of the commons"について、医療保険においてはどのような状況をさすのか、 7 0字以上1 5 0字以内で説明しなさい。
問3 以下に示す文章を加えるのに最も適切な場所を、(A)-(J)から1つ選んで答えなさい。
Stark examples abound. In the state of Oregon, for example, where a state law permitting euthanasia is in place, [以下略]
問4 下線部(2)を、the lessonの内容がわかるようにして、日本語に訳しなさい。
(2)In healthcare, the lesson argues for greater and not lesser public involvement and greater, not lesser, public supervision where private, for-profit companies are delegated to provide healthcare for average citizens.
Read the following, and write your opinion in English.
Currently patients pay user fees of 30% when using healthcare services in Japan. It has been suggested that these fees need to be raised to pay for the increasing costs of healthcare. Argue for or against this proposal. Support your argument with reasons and examples.