(A)As researchers have explored the environmental and inherited causes of common diseases, they have often amassed clinical and laboratory data collected from people with common complex disorders. Many have also collected biologic material, including DNA. These resources represent an essential component for ferreting out genes relevant to disease with the use of the genome-wide association study. This method entails the matching of a given human genome sequence with an annotated, high-resolution map of common genetic variation; it benefits from a large collection of DNA samples obtained from a population whose clinical characteristics are well defined, as well as cost-effective genotyping and sophisticated statistical analysis. With all these components now in place, genome-wide association studies are contributing to our understanding of diseases to which there is a genetic predisposition. (B)Early successes include the identification of genes associated with age-related macular degeneration, myocardial infarction, and abnormal cardiac repolarization intervals. A more recent success is the identification of four loci associated with type 2 diabetes; one of these loci contains a gene (TCF7L2) that had been previously implicated in this disease, and a second locus includes the SLC30A8 gene that is expressed only in insulin-producing beta cells.1
ferret out―2 (事実などを)探し出す
entail― ~を伴う、必要とする、引
population―n. 3 母集団4
cost-effective―adj. 費用効率が高い、費用に対し最も効率の良い、費用効果がある、費用効果的な、コスト効率の良い、割りのいい、割りがいい、割が良い
genotype―n. 遺伝子型―vt. 遺伝子型を特定する
predisposition―n. 傾向、性質、たち、素因
macular degeneration黄斑変性(症)m
myocardial infarction心筋梗塞〔症〕
abnormal cardiac異常な心
abnormal cardiac repolarization intervals 異常な心再分極間隔
loci < locus(n)位置;遺伝子座;座;座位;部位【基医;物理】_
2.下線部(B)Early successesを日本語で説明しないさい。