1.Hunting for Meaning After Midnight,by BJÖRN RASCH
Science 9 March 2007:Vol. 315. no. 5817, pp. 1360 - 1363 News Focus NEUROSCIENCE:
The brain is anything but quiet during sleep. Is it making memories, searching for insight, or up to something else entirely?
Sweet-smelling dreams. Using odors to reactivate memories during sleep, scientists have found new evidence linking sleep and memory.
今年は、大分、鹿児島、長崎とScienceから出題されました。「単語」と「構文」の学習でお茶を濁していたら、なかなか「合格」が近づいてきません。出題されるのは、6月の試験で、3月、4月に出る各号の記事に集中します。普段から科学雑誌や医学系の雑誌に親しみ、直前にはきっちり読み込むことで、的中すれば「満点」も夢ではありません。「まだ基礎ができてないから」 ということで、「まず単語」と安易に考えると「基礎以前」にとどまり、なかなか先に進めません。まず、雑誌の記事を5つ辞書を引きながら読んでみましょう。そして、弱点を洗い出してください。もし、まったくちんぷんかんぷんだ、というのであれば、5つ丸暗記してください。一度覚えても、常に繰り返し「音読」「黙読」を繰り返してください。かならず、弱点、自分の問題点が見えてきます。Scienceのdigital版年間購読は、$99です。http://www.sciencemag.org/
最新のNature,NEJM,Science,Lancet,Scientific Americanなどをどんどん読み込むことが医学部学士編入試験突破には求めれる、と言えるのではないでしょうか。
2.Why Are Some Animals So Smart?; April 2006; Scientific American Magazine; by Carel Van Schaik; 8 Page(s)
Even though we humans write the textbooks and may justifiably be suspected of bias, few doubt that we are the smartest creatures on the planet. Many animals have special cognitive abilities that allow them to excel in their particular habitats, but they do not often solve novel problems. Some of course do, and we call them intelligent, but none are as quick-witted as we are.
What favored the evolution of such distinctive brainpower in humans or, more precisely, in our hominid ancestors? One approach to answering this question is to examine the factors that might have shaped other creatures that show high intelligence and to see whether the same forces might have operated in our forebears. Several birds and nonhuman mammals, for instance, are much better problem solvers than others: elephants, dolphins, parrots, crows. But research into our close relatives, the great apes, is surely likely to be illuminating.[以下、有料]
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