In a highly competitive world, school is a battleground where the only thing that [8] (1. arises 2. matters 3. is threatening) is finishing top of the class. Nowhere is that more true than in East Asia, where education systems are built on the principle of "exam hell." Just to stay competitive, millions of kids across the region spend evenings and weekends at institutions called "cram schools." Devoting eighty hours a week to academic work is not uncommon.
Children increasingly pay a price [12] (1.of 2.at 3.for 4.on) leading rushed lives. Cases of five-year-olds suffering from upset stomachs, headaches, insomnia, depression and eating disorders brought on by stress are now not uncommon. Like everyone else in our always-on society, many children get too little sleep nowadays. This can make them jumpy and impatient. Sleep-deprived kids have more trouble making friends. [13] (1.Moreover 2.For example 3.However), they stand a greater chance of being underweight, since deep sleep causes the release of human growth hormone.
In East Asia, the punishing work ethic that once made the region's schools the envy of the world is clearly backfiring. Pupils are losing their edge in international test scores, and failing to develop the creative skills needed in the information economy. Increasingly, East Asian students are rebelling against the study-till-you-drop mentality. Crime and suicide rates are rising, and truancy, [18] (1.priorseenas 2.asoncelike 3.well-knownlike 4. once seen as) a Western problem, has reached epidemic proportions. Over a hundred thousand Japanese primary and junior high students play hooky for more than a month each year. Many others refuse to go to school at all.
Not long ago, the New Yorker magazine published a cartoon that summed up the growing fear that modern youngsters are being [19] (1. stripped 2. denied 3. ignored) a real childhood. Two elementary school boys are walking down a street, books under their arms, baseball caps on their heads. With a world-weariness beyond his years, one says, [20] "So many toys --- so little unstructured time."
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