すべて、the Order of the Phoenixより
Whatever Mrs Figg might say, it sounded to him as though the most she had ever seen was a picture of a Dementor, and a picture could never convey the truth of what these beings were like: the eerie way they moved, hovering inches over the ground; or the rotting smell of them; or that terrible rattling noise they made as they sucked on the surrounding air...
as though 仮定法過去完了
suck on、suck inとどう違う?
'It's not a question of how impressive the magic was,' said Fudge in a testy voice,'in fact, the more impressive the worse it is, I would have thought, given that the boy did it in plain view of a Muggle!'
the 比較級+the比較級
would have 過去分詞
また登場given that ...