In early American English the prevailing type of expression was southern British,
the language of the southern half of England and at the same time the literary language
of the United Kingdom, [ 1 ] at first the literary language of England and that of
America had the same general character. In the eighteenth century came Scotch-Irish
immigrants in large numbers, also many from the north of England. The speech of these
newcomers was, of course, northern British, a (2)conservative form of English
preserving older sounds and expressions. The new settlers naturally went to the newer
parts of the country west of the old colonies. Their presence there in large numbers
influenced American English in certain respects. While the younger, southern British
form of English remained intact for the most part on the Atlantic seaboard and in large
measure also in the south generally, the modified form of it, characterized by older,
northern British features, became established everywhere in the north except along the
Atlantic seaboard.
a. despite b. in that c. as if .d. so that e. because
これは、文の流れから前文から「因果関係」になっていることから、b. in thatとe. becauseは不適。つまり、前文を受けて、「だから」とつながるのでd. so that。
a. sign b. fur c. dot d. dim e. gape
なんでここで発音の問題が出てくるのか??と思うのですが、教育学部ではこれが定番。conservativeのストレスは第二音節。girlと同じ発音[]になるので、b. fur。なお、まず大学受験にはでないでしょうが、クリスマスツリーにする「モミの木」はfir treeで、このfirも同じ母音の発音。さらに、farの比較級furtherも同じ。fartherは、[a:]の発音。
a. The English language of those who came later to America had younger features of the language.
b. The older form of English was influenced and modified by the younger one in America.
c. The English spoken by the people who came earlier to America preserved older features of the language.
d. People who settled in the newer parts of America spoke an older form of English.
e. The new form of English modified on the American soil spread in the East Coast regions of America.