New Company Sends Messages to Space
Posted on: Friday, 11 June 2004, 06:00 CDT
PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Forget Internet postings, cell phone calls, greeting cards or newspaper classifieds. There's a new way to get your personal message to the whole universe - and perhaps even the afterworld - for less than $25.
Md., and theoretically travels forever at 186,000 miles per second.
Pottebaum sent messages to her father, Arthur Szramoski, who died of a brain tumor in 1972 at 44,
One day, after having worked on a radio tower, the thought came to him to send messages to the universe on radio waves.
- he quit his job and moved from suburban Philadelphia to the Poconos to get started.
Since getting business under way June 1, he said
If the thousands of people who use the International Star Registry to name stars after special someones are any indication,
Ray Fairman was brought to tears after finally getting a chance to say goodbye to an old family friend
After dialing up "Endless Echoes" on his cell phone and sending his message, he said he felt at peace.