Japan Timesから Dust particles found inside the sample-collection container from the Hayabusa unmanned space probe, which returned from the asteroid Itokawa in June, came from the cosmic rock, science minister Yoshiaki Takaki confirmed Tuesday. It is the first time material from an asteroid has been obtained.
found、unmannedと過去分詞が出てきます。 前者foundを「過去形」に読むと意味がつながりません。 後者は「形容詞」と読むこともできますが、形的には過去分詞です。表現としては、the Hayabusa unmanned space probeが『無人探査機「ハヤブサ」』という言い方。
S+V: Dust particles ... came from ... また、 その次の文章は、BBCでは以下のように伝えています。
It's a world first and a remarkable accomplishment that [Hayabusa] brought home material from a celestial body other than the Moon
単語: dust particle=塵粒、塵片、塵埃粒子
container= vessel, box, etc., for holding particular things
space probe=an unmanned exploratory spacecraft transmitting information about its environment(宇宙探査機)
asteroid=any of the minor planets revolving round the sun(小惑星)
material=the matter from which a thing is made(物質)
正式に発表する 海外メディアではBBCが詳しく伝えています。
16 November 2010 Last updated at 09:22 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint Japan probe collected particles from Itokawa asteroid By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC News Japanese scientists have confirmed that particles found inside the Hayabusa probe after its seven-year space trip are from the asteroid Itokawa. .... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11763484
Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2010 Hayabusa dust from asteroid, JAXA confirms Iron components unlike findings on Earth Kyodo News http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20101116x3.html
日本語の新聞記事: はやぶさの微粒子はイトカワ由来 1500個、成分一致 2010年11月16日12時1分 http://www.asahi.com/science/update/1116/TKY201011160087.html