生態 : 温暖化に繁殖時期を合わせられない渡り鳥
気候変動の影響で鳥の繁殖時期が餌の少ない時期にあたってしまい、個体数の減少が起きていることが今週号に報告されている。渡りを行うマダラヒタキ(Ficedula hypoleuca)での調査によると、餌になる側の生物種と捕食する側の鳥類種の間で、温暖化に対する適応度合いに差がある場合、鳥の個体数が大きく減少するのだという。
Ongoing climate change leaves a clear global fingerprint on ecosystems. Many organisms bring forward the timing of their seasonal activities, whether it be flowering in plants, budding of trees, emergence of insects or breeding in birds. Despite this general advancement, some species may not cope with climate change because their response differs from the response of organisms at lower levels of the food chain, leading to a mismatch between the timing of reproduction and the main food supply. This mistiming can have a clear effect on species population dynamics and ecosystem functioning. In general, we expect the populations that are most mistimed to decline most in number. Here we show how populations of a small passerine bird have declined as a consequence of climate change, because the phenology of their main food supply during breeding has advanced more than the birds' breeding date.
(Nature[Climate change and population declines in a long-distance migratory bird], 4 May 2006)
1.Ongoing climate change leaves a clear global fingerprint on ecosystems.
ongoing=inuing to exist or be operative etc.
fingerprint=a distinctive characteristic
*ecosystem=iological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment(生態系)
2.Many organisms bring forward the timing of their seasonal activities, whether it be flowering in plants, budding of trees, emergence of insects or breeding in birds.
*whether it be flowering in plants,
bring forward=繰り上げる;
timing=時間調整>bring forward the timing時間調整をする。
*emergence=The emergence of something is the process or event of its coming into existence.=出現(appearance) cf.emergency=緊急事態<急に出現すること。
*insect=An insect is a small animal that has six legs. Most insects have wings. Ants, flies, butterflies, and beetles are all insects.
*breed=bear, generate (offspring)
3.Despite this general advancement, some species may not cope with climate change because their response differs from the response of organisms at lower levels of the food chain, leading to a mismatch between the timing of reproduction and the main food supply.
Despite=In spite of
,leading ...分詞構文(連続動作)
*species=category in the system of classification of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding
*cope with=~に対処する
*differ from=~と異なる
mismatch=bad match
*food chain=食物連鎖
4.This mistiming can have a clear effect on species population dynamics and ecosystem functioning.
*have an effect on
5.In general, we expect the populations that are most mistimed to decline most in number.
expect + O + to do, O=the populations that are most mistimed
In general=一般に, 概して
6.Here we show how populations of a small passerine bird have declined as a consequence of climate change, because the phenology of their main food supply during breeding has advanced more than the birds' breeding date.
*consequence >→as a c_nsequence (of…)=in c_nsequence (of…)=(…の)結果として, (…の)ゆえに.
phenology= 生物季節学, 花暦学, フェノロジー