「センター試験」の英文で使われていたimmunity。これがこれまで使われた例はちょっと思い当たらない。しかし、immuneという形容詞は出てくる。これまで東邦(医)、奈良女子大(2003、同じ英文が2004に北海道大学。当スクール的中! )。ただどの大学も注がついている。以下は、奈良女子大(北海道大学)で出題された英文の一部。まず読んでみてください。
Scientists have concluded that chimpanzees are not useful for AIDS research because, even though their genetic makeup differs from ours by about 1 percent, their immune systems deal much differently with the AIDS virus. Many scientists test drugs and vaccines on animals simply because they are required to by law rather than out of scientific merit. This is a shame, because our medical technology is beginning to provide alternatives. We can perform many tests on cell and tissue cultures without needing to harm animals. Computer simulations can also cut down on the number of animal tests we need to run. We aren't exploring these alternatives vigorously enough.
1.ここでいうthese alternativesを箇条書きにしてみよう
2.tissue culturesとはなにか?(tissueは「ちり紙」ではない。cultureは「文化」ではない。cultivateから連想できるか?tissue cultureと一まとまりで言う場合が多い。)