Governing America: The Politics of a Divided Democracy
筆者:Robert Singh
出版社: Oxford Univ Pr (Txt) (2003/6/5)
19章Gun Control
Firearms in America(361)
Outside the United States, popular conceptions---animated in large part by american popular music, books, movies, and television---typically suggest that America possesses an excess of firearms, an absence of laws controlling them, and a citizenry that is either ingnorant of, or intentionally blind to, the serious public health costs of gun violence and the desirability of more restrictive gun regulations. From John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and Arnold Schwarzenegger to Ice Cube, Natural Born Killers, and Eminen, certain familiar part of the western world as especially 'wild' about guns. But while the scalce of guns is a partial and misleading stereotype in terms of both the comples regulatory regime on firearms and the nature of american public attittudes to gun ownership.