"This process of reasoning and analysis can continue in other directions. For example, you might investigate to see if perhaps you have contributed in some way to the situation that made you angry. Also, when you are in the midst of anger, your tendency is to perceive the person who harmed you as 100% bad. But if you analyze further, you will realize that every human heing is composed of both ( ) and negative characteristics, andyou can try to get a more realistic view of the person by attempting to find some positive aspects of the person.
"So, with practice, various lines of reasoning and investigation can be used to reduce the force of your anger. This doesn't mean you shouldn't respond, or try to do something if someone tries to harm you. On the contrary, one should take measures to prevent harm to oneself and others, even strong measures. But using analytic methods such as these can help reduce the intensity of your anger, which can have destructive effects, and instead allow you to respond to the situation without a feeling of hatred arising."
[2002年 北海道大学]
◎other directionsの例を文にそってまとめてみましょう。
◎you might investigate to see if perhaps you have contributed in some way to the situation that made you angry.
◎( )内に入る語を文中から探してみましょう。
◎A. On the contrary,B。AとBの内容をまとめてみましょう。