Statistics show that people drink over 400 million cups of coffee every year. However, very few of those who enjoy this drink know its origin and history.
Although the early history of coffee is not known for sure, a legend tells that this plant was first discovered in Ethiopia. In 860 AD a goat herder by the name of Kaldi noticed that his goats became restless and excited when they ate a berry from a common local tree. Kaldi reported his findings to religious leaders of his village. From the berries, the religious leaders created a beverage that allowed people to stay awake for long hours of prayer. This was such an amazing discovery that word soon spread to other villages. Through word of mouth, knowledge of these amazing berries soon reached the Arabian Peninsula. It did not take long for Arabs to discover a way to cultivate these berries for personal use and financial gain.
Statistics show that …「統計によれば」という決まり文句です。注意すべき点がいくつかあります。__sということで複数形というわけではないですが、複数扱いです。また、どの統計か決まっていても、無冠詞で使います。According to statistics …
ここでは、次の段落のa legend tells thatも同じような使い方をしています。
… very few of those who enjoy this drink know its origin and history.
また、those who … も確認要。「~人々」
is not known for sure このfor sureの使い方に「くだけた」文章であることを感じさせます。「確かなことはしられていない」くらいの意味。
by the name of Kaldi は、a goat herder named(called) Kaldi noticedという表現が「普通」ですが、これはやはりちょっと「くだけた」表現になっているという言い方もできると思います。
a beverage that allowed people to stay awake allow + O + to (do)の使い方。人がto以下のことをするのを可能にする、という意味。
This was such an amazing discovery that word soon spread to other villages.
such … that = so amazing a discovery that
wordは無冠詞でも使う。意味は「うわさ」(=news)。以下のThrough word of mouthも同様。
It did not take long for Arabs to discover a way
Itは時間のit。for Arabs to discoverのArabsは以下の不定詞の意味上の主語。