'adding'(moreover)と'logical consequence'(therefore)とは本来かなり違うものですが、以下は間違えることがあるようですね。
◎次の文章の[ 1 ][ 2 ]に入れるのに最も適当な語句を、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから一つずつ選べ。
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious and widespread problem. Though some men think sexual harassment does not occur, surveys indicate that four out of ten working women have been subjected to it. [ 1 ] the growing development of new policies on harassment shows that American companies are taking it seriously. [ 2 ] legal pressures are forcing companies to take some action, sexual harassment will continue as long as men hold most of the power in the workplace.
[ 1 ]
1. However
2. Moreover
3. Therefore
4. Then
すでに"a serious and widespread"とどちらも抽象的には言及されているので、その具体例が示された。その二つの例がmoreoverで繋がれていると考えるべき。Another example is ...あるいは、Another thing is ...と言い換えてみるのがmoreoverを選ぶ際の判断基準になるだろうと思います。なお、thereforeは、'so'に入れ換えて考えてみる。
[ 2 ]
1. Because
2. If
3. Since
4. Though